Jan 7, 2022

As a Nissan driver, you might think the engine’s air filter is the least important of all your Nissan auto parts. But the filter actually serves a vital function, preventing dust, dirt, and other airborne contaminants from entering the engine, while still providing an unrestricted, steady flow of oxygen. So if you notice any of the following indicators of trouble, it might be time for a new car air filter.

Does Your Nissan Need a New Car Air Filter?

Your Filter Is Black and Grimy

The easiest way to know if you need a new filter is to simply check by eye. Take out your filter and see if it looks clogged up. The original color is white. If it’s turned black and grimy, with patches that are clearly clogged up, then it’s time for a change.

Black Smoke Emitting From Your Exhaust 

The flow of air serves an essential function in your engine. Oxygen is required to burn the fuel. The intake system opens a valve and uses a piston to draw in air like a person breathing in. This inflow of air passes through the filter, which needs to keep out contaminants while letting enough oxygen through to feed the engine.

If your filter becomes thoroughly clogged up and blocked, then even the remarkably efficient engine of your Nissan might start to struggle. As the air-fuel mixture is disrupted, the engine overcompensates with excess fuel, which can start to escape from your exhaust in the form of black smoke. If you notice this, check your filter right away. It might be time for a change.

Lower Fuel Efficiency

Another sign of this restricted airflow and compensating burn of excess fuel is lower gas mileage. If your fuel is burning more slowly, you need more of it for each mile you drive. If you find yourself refilling your tank more often, it might be time for a new filter.

Strange Noises From Your Engine

An engine struggling with limited airflow will often begin to emit odd sputtering, spitting noises when you’re idling. If you notice these sounds, check your filter to see if it’s clogged up.

Your Dashboard Is Blinking

Engine problems can be caused by a few different things. If you see the ‘check engine’ light on your dashboard blinking, make sure you do as requested and check. There could be various causes for engine trouble, but if your filter is black and clogged, it can’t do any harm to change it and see if the blinking light goes away.

How Long Should Your Filter Last?

It’s best to check the owner’s manual for your particular Nissan model, but for most Nissans you’re recommended to change your filter every 15,000 to 30,000 miles for normal driving conditions, and every 10,000 miles for extreme conditions.

These extreme conditions that put your filter under the most duress could be dusty, unpaved roads in hot weather, or heavy city traffic with plenty of exhaust fumes all around. If you’re regularly using your vehicle in these sorts of conditions, make checking your filter part of your regular car maintenance routine.

Your Trusted Local Nissan Dealer

If you notice any of the above warning signs, pay a visit to Lupient Nissan of Brooklyn Park MN. We’ll check your filter for you and provide for any other Nissan auto parts or servicing needs you might have.

Image via Pixabay