Aug 14, 2020

Icy Windshield's in MinnesotaIf you live in Minnesota, chances are pretty good you might have to occasionally de-ice your windshield. Since you probably want to spend as little time as possible outside in the frigid weather, it might seem efficient to scrape away just enough ice to create a small see-through spot and start driving. However, this approach isn’t safe. We’ve carefully reviewed the steps you should follow to safely de-ice your windshield.

Use the Defroster


Car owners typically do two things to get rid of the layer of ice on their windshields: pound on it with an ice scraper to break it up or pour boiling water on it to melt it. However, both of these actions could be disastrous. First off, if you accidentally hit your windshield while you’re pounding on the ice, you could crack or chip the glass. Likewise, the sudden temperature change that occurs when you pour on boiling water could crack the glass.

Instead, the first thing you should do is turn on your vehicle and run the defroster to blow warm air onto your windshield. The warm air will gradually heat the glass, which will then start to melt and dislodge the ice. You can then use your ice scraper to remove the rest of the ice from your windshield. The process is proven to be safe.

Make a DIY De-Icer


While using your vehicle’s defroster is an effective way to de-ice your windshield, it can also take some time. If you’re in a hurry, you can make your own de-icer from a few household ingredients. To create a DIY de-icer, combine one part water with two parts 91% isopropyl rubbing alcohol. When you spray the mixture on your icy windshield, it will quickly melt and loosen the ice. You can then finish the job with your ice scraper. What’s more, you can store the homemade de-icer in your vehicle so you can remove ice from your windshield even when you’re away from home.

Prevent an Icy Windshield


Although these tips can help you remove ice after it has already accumulated on your windshield, sometimes it’s possible to prevent an icy windshield in the first place. If the weather forecast predicts ice or frost, look for ways you can protect your vehicle. While parking it in a garage is always best, it might not be an option for you. Instead, you can cover your car with a tarp to prevent an icy build-up.

Additionally, a mixture of one part water and three parts white vinegar sprayed on your windshield can help keep ice from forming there. Keep in mind that vinegar can remove wax from painted surfaces, so you should use it carefully. We recommend keeping the spray on the glass and immediately wiping away any excess mixture that gets on your vehicle.

If ice accumulates on your windshield this winter, you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort trying to remove it. Instead, you can follow these tips on how to safely de-ice a windshield to get your vehicle clean and ready to drive in no time.


Image via by uknowgayle